Investment and Retirement

ASTRA Funds: Outstanding managers

ASTRA Funds: Outstanding managers

In 2001, SSQ Investment and Retirement decided to have its funds managed exclusively by external investment managers. There are many advantages to this decision, including complete independence as to our choice of investment managers. Since we can choose from among all available managers, we ensure that our clients have access to a full range of funds managed by specialists in each of the different asset classes, managers with excellent track records offering a variety of complementary management approaches.



We don't hesitate to hire the best investment managers, even if they are located outside of Canada. A good number of our investment managers are from Canada while others are based in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Denmark. Several of our managers are also backed by global investment teams spread out around the world.



It’s a given that the decision to delegate the management of our funds to external investment managers comes with the responsibility to oversee both the performance of the managers we have selected and their compliance with the mandate they are given. For this purpose, a team of four professionals is specifically assigned to the daily monitoring of the financial markets and managers. The funds development team is also responsible for monitoring the investment market and ensuring ongoing improvements to our investment platform, while being on the lookout for new products and management firms that might improve our offering.

Also, SSQ Investment and Retirement has implemented an Investment Product Committee (IPC) which is in charge of all decisions regarding changes made to the investment platform. The mission of the IPC is to oversee the planning, developing and monitoring of investment products based on market needs and our company’s objectives.

Among the tasks related to the monitoring of investment products, the funds development team and the IPC closely monitor the funds available on our investment platform. Currently, SSQ Investment and Retirement is doing business with about thirty separate investment management firms. Every year, the team is responsible for more than 75 face-to-face meetings and numerous telephone conversations with management firm professionals responsible for making investment decisions concerning the funds available on our platform. Over and above the realized return, we pay special attention to the following factors:

ASTRA Funds are therefore an investment option, where under one roof, you’ll find the best investment managers the industry has to offer, including those normally reserved for large pension funds. Give your customers access to our unique, efficient and comprehensive family of funds!

Click here for an overview of our family of ASTRA Funds